
Monday, February 26, 2007

Earth to Betsy~by Beth Pattillo

"Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD."

~Psalms 27:14

Do you know how many times the bible tells you to wait on the Lord? ......Well it is in the bible a lot, and I have always been taught that when something is repeated in the bible that perhaps it is important :) Why then do people have such problems with waiting? Well, I don't know about you but I need reminders to wait on the Lord. I sometimes get so crazy trying juggle my hectic schedule that waiting seems to become an afterthought, but when you do it is amazing how thing fall in to place. So why am I talking about this? Well, I just finished reading Earth to Betsy and that was one lesson that I got from it. Earth to Betsy is the sequel to Heavens to Betsy. Now Betsy Blessing interim senior pastor at the Church of the Shepherd is faced with a lot of life changing decisions and in her effort to do what she thinks is right she leaves out one important thing waiting on the Lord.

This book was funny and entertaining and Betsy constantly had me laughing and cringing through the entire book. Some of the things she goes through are so crazy and yet so relatable you can't help but see yourself in the book.

~Next on my reading agenda~The Novelist~by Angela Hunt.....I think :)